Publication List

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Refereed Papers

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
2024 Y. Peng, M. Ristic, A. Kedia, R. O'Shaughnessy, et al. Kilonova light-curve interpolation with neural networks PRR 6 033078
2023 M. Ristic, E. Holmbeck, R. T. Wollaeger, O. Korobkin, et al. Constraining inputs to realistic kilonova simulations through comparison to observed $r$-process abundances ApJ 956 1
2022 C. J. Fontes, C. L. Fryer, R. T. Wollaeger, M. Mumpower, et al. Actinide opacities for modeling the spectra and light curves of kilonovae MNRAS stac2792
2021 O. Korobkin, R. T. Wollaeger, C. L. Fryer, A. Hungerford, et al. Axisymmetric radiative transfer models of kilonovae ApJ 910 116
2020 W. P. Even, O. Korobkin, C. J. Fontes, C. L. Fryer, et al. Composition effects on kilonova spectra and light curves: I ApJ 899 1
2019 R. T. Wollaeger, C. L. Fryer, C. J. Fontes, J. Lippuner, et al. Impact of pulsar and fallback sources on multifrequency kilonova models ApJ 880 1
2019 S. Jones, H. Moller, C. L. Fryer, C. J. Fontes, et al. $^{60}$Fe in core-collapse supernovae and prospects for X-ray and $\gamma$-ray detection in supernova remnants MNRAS stz536 2019

Conference Proceedings

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
2023 C. L. Fryer, C. J. Fontes, O. Korobkin, M. Mumpower, et al. Uncertainties in kilonova modeling The Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting 1391-1404 (2023)

arXiv Papers

Year Authors Title (Click for more details) Journal (PDF)
No publications are available.

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Matthew Mumpower
Los Alamos National Lab
MS B283
TA-3 Bldg 123
Los Alamos, NM 87545

Office Phone

(505) 667-5671